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José Guillermo Ariza Estévez

Founding Partner

Master (M.Sc.) in Environmental Economics and Natural Resources – University of Los Andes (Colombia)/ University of Maryland (US)
José Guillermo Ariza has a bachelor degree in Economics and extensive experience in economics research, qualitative and quantitative information analysis, he was advisory at the Colombian Ministry of National Education. Nowadays he continues to be affiliated as Adjunct Professor at the Department of Economics of the University of Los Andes for topics on microeconomics and also as researcher at environmental economics, welfare economics and management of finance risk.

Armando Ardila Delgado

Founding Partner

Master (M.Sc.) in Economics - University of Los Andes (Colombia)
IIndustrial engineer with advanced studies in military science. He has extensive experience in the design of both private and public organizations, advanced analytics, digital transformation, macro and micro economic analysis, structuring and management of highly complex projects. He currently leads applied science projects at Teknidata Consultores and is a senior advisor to multiple organizations. Throughout his career, he has held vice-ministerial positions in the government, led multiple consulting projects, has been an international consultant for the World Bank and other multilaterals in several Latin American countries, and has also been a professor at universities such as CESA, Rosario, the Andes , Javeriana and UIS.

Gustavo Pedraza Jaimes

Senior Consultant

Master (M.Sc.) in Economics - Universidad Industrial de Santander
Master (M.Sc.) in Computer Science - Universidad Industrial de Santander
Master in Eco Auditory and Business Planning - Institute of Ecological Research. Málaga, Spain
Specialist in Public Administration - Higher School of Public Administration
Industrial engineer with more than 35 years of professional experience in the field of government consulting and project management. He has held management positions in several public and private organizations and participated in the design, implementation and evaluation of multiple public policies of territorial scope.

Miguel Andrés Franco Lemus

Senior Consultant

Master in Business Administration and Project Management - OBS Business School and University of Barcelona. Spain
Specialist in Telecommunications Law - Universidad del Rosario
Specialist in Commercial Law - Universidad Javeriana
Lawyer with studies in international cooperation and human rights at the National University of Cordoba, Argentina and studies in official development assistance -OD at the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain, with extensive experience in public management, contracting and market intelligence, as well as an important trajectory in post-conflict policies and management of organizational change within public entities. He has served as general secretary of the Unit for the Restitution of Lands, general and territorial director in charge and high adviser in the Department for Social Prosperity, Presidential Agency for Social Action and International Cooperation and the Investment Fund for Peace of the Presidency of the Republic.

Luis Gabriel Moreno

Senior Consultant

Ph.D in Engineering - Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
Master in Commercial Management and Digital Marketing - ENAE Business School (Murcia, Spain)
MBA Master of Business Administration - Universidad Externado de Colombia
Mater in Information and Communication Sciences with Emphasis on Information Systems - Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
Systems engineer noted for his focus on academic and professional research in areas such as information systems, data analysis, text mining, and natural language processing in social networks. He has also led and participated in various projects that involve data analysis technologies, big data and artificial intelligence, and has received several recognitions for his work, including first place in the "Ethics of Large Scale Models" call from the University of Notre Dame (USA) and second place in the PAN@CLEF conference (Switzerland). He has worked as a professor at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana and as a researcher in Data Science at the Center of Excellence and Analytics and Big Data (CAOBA).

Jesús Ernesto Villarreal

Senior Consultant

Ph.D Nuclear Engineering - University of Michigan (USA)
Master (M.Sc.) in Nuclear Engineering - University of Michigan (USA)
Nuclear engineer expert in energy and energy resources. He has been director of the Institute of Nuclear Affairs and advisor to multiple multilateral instances related to the nuclear issue. He has also worked as a professor and researcher at universities such as Los Andes, El Rosario and La Universidad Militar.

Nohora del Pilar Bohórquez

Senior Consultant

PhD in business administration with emphasis in advanced accounting -North Central University (USA)
Master in Accounting Sciences - Southern New Hampshire University (USA)
Tax manager and administrator with extensive and deep experience in financial, accounting and tax issues. Her considerable experience includes international organizations in the pharmaceutical sector, the food industry and retail, to name a few. She has also been part of the team at Ernst & Young LLPl Northeast USA Area and has been a professor at different universities such as Externado and CESA.

Ivonne Saportas Liévano

Senior Consultant

Master of Business Administration (MBA) - Southern New Hampshire University (USA)
Certification in Government Financial Management - Southern New Hampshire University (USA)
Certification in International Business - Southern New Hampshire University (USA)
Electrical engineer with extensive experience in the development of technical, regulatory and financial analysis in the electricity, natural gas, telecommunications and transportation sectors. Specialist in international business, government financial management and investment banking with extensive experience in large-scale projects.

Alejandro Moreno López

Senior Consultant

Master (M.Sc.) in Interdisciplinary Development Studies - Universidad de los Andes
Specialist in State, Public Policies and Development - Universidad de los Andes
Specialist in Social Project Evaluation - Universidad de los Andes
Industrial engineer and professional in languages ??and sociocultural studies with extensive experience in operations analysis, monitoring and evaluation of public policies. During his working life he has been an advisor to several entities, among which are the National Planning Department and the Social Prosperity Department. He is currently a professor at the Higher School of Public Administration.

Daniel Fernando Poveda

Senior Consultant

Master (M.Sc.) in Economics - University of Los Andes (Colombia)
Economist with extensive experience in quantitative analysis and strategic analysis in the defense sector. His areas of interest include the design of econometric models and computable general equilibrium for the evaluation of public policies, the formulation and evaluation of investment projects, and planning for the strengthening of institutional capacities in the public sector. Throughout his career, he has been a professor at several universities, a junior consultant at Teknidata Consultores, and an advisor to the Ministry of National Defense. Currently he is also the vice president of the board of directors of the Economics Chapter of the Association of Graduates of the Universidad de los Andes, Uniandinos.

Diego Francisco Calderón Aponte

Senior Consultant

Master Master (M.Sc.) in History - Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
Economist and philosopher, expert in qualitative analysis with extensive experience in the evaluation of social projects, research in the history of economic policy thinking and education in the nineteenth century in Colombia, construction and analysis of standardized evaluation tests with psychometric criteria. He has been a professor in the social sciences, philosophy and humanities at the Universidad Industrial de Santander.

Elías José Mejía Fuentes

Semi-Senior Consultant

Specialist in Applied Statistics - Fundación Universitaria los Libertadores
Statistician with extensive experience in the scientific, research and technical areas, experience in both the public and private sectors in sample designs, statistical analysis, market research, construction and updating of statistical frameworks, construction and monitoring of indicators. He has been the leader of the anonymisation and data protection working groups of economic and social operations, as well as information analysts for census and investigative purposes at DANE.

Mario Velasco Rodríguez

Senior Consultant

Master (M.Sc.) in Government and Public Policy - Universidad Externado de Colombia
Specialist in Regional Development - Universidad de Nariño

Political scientist with more than fifteen years of professional experience as director of technical teams and advisor for the implementation of information systems, execution of process and results evaluations, and implementation of planning instruments and budgeting oriented to results such as: spending framework and medium-term fiscal, public budget oriented results, physical-budgetary management indexes, monitoring schemes based on performance indicators, among others; coupled with pedagogical practices related to accountability, citizen participation exercises and transfer of technical skills.

Oscar Eduardo Ardila

Semi-Senior Consultant

Master (M.Sc.) (c) in Business Administration - Prime Business School
Specialist in Engineering Management Systems - Javeriana University
Industrial engineer expert in territorial development. He has been head of planning in territorial organizations, manager of regional public policies and advisor in instances such as the National Planning Department (DNP) on related issues.

Paula Andrea Vinchery Durán

Senior Consultant

Master (M.Sc.) in Development Studies - London School of Economics (United Kingdom)
Economist and political scientist with extensive experience in formulation, monitoring and evaluation of development programs and projects, both in the government sector and in NGOs and international cooperation. She has been head of the Planning Office of the Rural Development Agency and professor of the Chair of International Cooperation at the Javeriana University.

Carolina Chica Builes

Senior Consultant

Master (M.Sc.) in Public Management - University of Potsdam. Germany
Professional in government and international relations with extensive experience in public policy formulation and regional planning. She has worked as a consultant for international organizations on issues related to the decentralization of the State, land use planning and knowledge management applied to local management; she has held leadership positions in the departmental and district order in matters of regional integration and was part of the diplomatic corps of the Embassy of Colombia in Sweden.

Jorge Alberto Castro

Junior Consultant

Ph. D. (c) Sciences - Economics - Universidad de los Andes
Master in Administration - Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar
Experience in economic analysis, design and implementation of information collection methods and quantitative analysis. University professor in subjects such as game theory, quantitative research, microeconomics, econometrics, among others. He has served as coordinator of statistics and planning for multiple universities and as a researcher in economic affairs for the Bolívar Governorate.

Ricardo Salas Silva

Senior Consultant

Master (M.Sc.) in Local Development - Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Specialist in Finance - Universidad de los Andes
Civil engineer expert in formulation, management and evaluation of complex projects, has been senior manager in multiple public and private organizations. Professor in the area of projects, finances and business plans at Rosario, CESA and Piloto universities.

Miguel Ángel Bello

Semi-Senior Consultant

Master in Business Administration and Management - Villanueva University (Madrid-Spain)
Economist with International Certification in Quantitative Risk Management (CQRM) awarded by the iiPER® institute (International Institute of Professional Education and Research). With experience and expertise in statistics, decision making, financial econometrics and quantitative methods. He has been a professor in specializations and master degree in several universities as CESA, Universidad del Rosario, EAFIT, Universidad del Norte, Universidad Piloto and Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano. Co-author of the book Descriptive Statistics and Probability for Business with Applications in Excel and Jamovi. In addition, he collaborated in the Spanish translation of the book Modeling Risk (Wiley Finance, 2016).

John Jairo Caicedo Bolaños

Senior Consultant

Master (M.Sc.) in Systems Engineering - Gran Colombiano Polytechnic
Specialist in Telecommunications Project Management - Gran Colombiano Polytechnic
Systems Engineer with extensive experience in the management of projects that include the stages of survey, analysis, design, development, implementation, maintenance and support of information systems. He has developed information systems with client-server, intranet, web and mobile architectures, Windows, Linux, Unix, Android, iOS and WinPhone operating systems, with several programming languages (C #, VB, C, C ++ and Java) and with connectivity to different database engines (Oracle, SQL Server, Informix, MySQL and SQLite). Experiences applying methodologies RUP, SCRUM, MVC, MVVM and CMM, has developed information systems for Banking Services (e-banking), Telecommunications, Management Management (Graphics and Management Indicators), Virtual Stores (e-commerce), Virtual Education ( e-learning) and Online Government (GEL). Research professor in the area of Web programming, Mobile and Databases at Manuela Beltrán University and the Piloto University of Colombia.

Johoner Venicio Correa

Senior Consultant

Master (M.Sc.) in Urban Planning - Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Specialist in instruments of Regional Urban Planning - National University of Colombia
Specialist in Geographic Information Systems - Francisco José de Caldas District University
Cadastral engineer and geodesta with extensive experience in the development of projects related to the analysis and processing of analog and digital images (satellite, aerial photographs, radar among others) digital cartography, formulation, design, implementation, update and comprehensive operation of databases and geographic information systems, elaboration of appraisals, determination of homogenous physical and geo-economic zones, training processes, cadastral updating and conservation, real estate consultancies, environmental risk management and horizontal property consultancies. Expert in spatial information and geo-positioning processing tools such as: ArcInfo, ArcGis, ArcView, Autocad Map, Map Info, Idrisi and database management systems. Professor of the faculty of civil engineering at the Universidad de los Andes in the areas of geographic information systems and environmental planning.

Martha Fajardo Valbuena

Senior Consultant

Master (C) (M.Sc.) in Education and Human Development - University of Manizales
Specialist in University Teaching - University of Havana Cuba
Specialist in Teaching Literature - University of Quindío
Linguist and literate expert in communication, language and expression, with extensive experience in academic and creative writing. Since 1996, she has worked as a professor in different programs related to her areas of interest.

Magda Noraima Silva

Senior Consultant

Master (M.Sc.) in Human Rights, Rule of Law and Democracy in Latin America - Universidad Alcalá de Henares
Expert economist in the design and execution of public social policies related to the human rights of children, women and indigenous peoples. Extensive experience to prevent violations of the rights of children and adolescents, especially related to the armed conflict. For years, she has worked as a government advisor on children issues, within the framework of projects financed by UNICEF and IOM. She has been responsible for directly managing multiple agreements to prevent the recruitment of children by armed groups outside the law, with agencies such as UN Women, the German Cooperation and the Canadian Children Fund.

Osana Medina Bonilla

Senior Consultant

Magister in Interdisciplinary Social Research - Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
Social worker with extensive experience in conflict analysis, violence, childhood and adolescence. Researcher on issues of historical memory, sexual violence and victims of conflict. Professor at the National Pedagogical University in related topics.

Manuel Rios

Senior Consultant

Specialist in Public Social Policy - Javeriana University
Economist, Project Management Professional (PMP) certified, expert in techniques for planning, directing, monitoring and closing projects under international practices of the Project Management Institute (PMI). More than thirteen years of experience in executing and monitoring social projects with public and private entities related to the education sector. He has been manager of multiple wide-ranging auditing projects in education, early childhood and food.

Claudia Marcela Granados

Senior Consultant

Master (M.Sc.) in Public Policy - Hertie School of Governance. Berlin, Germany
Master (M.Sc.) in Economics - University of the Andes
Chemical engineer with academic training in economics and public policy. Career in the public services area and research experience on issues of political economy and economic regulation. Professor in the areas of applied economics and quantitative analysis of the Universidad de los Andes and Hertie School of Governance.

Carlos Andrés Alape Ospina

Senior Consultant

Master (C) (M.Sc.) in Economics – University of Los Andes (Colombia)
Master (C) (M.Sc.) in Environmental Economics and Natural Resources – University of Los Andes(Colombia)/ University of Maryland (US)
Carlos Andrés Alape has a bachelor degree in Agronomist Engineer and extensive experience in formulation, monitoring and evaluation of projects. Before Teknidata Consultants, he was consultant at Multilaterals International Organizations (International Migration Organization) and the National Department of Planning (Bogotá, Colombia) for topics such as climate change and public inversion. Nowadays he continues to be affiliated as Adjunct Professor at the Department of Economics of the University of Los Andes for topics on microeconomics, mathematical economics and environmental economics.

Ana María Ortegón

Sénior Consultant

Ph.D Engineering and Knowledge Management - Federal University of Santa Catarina. (Brazil)
Master (M.Sc.) in Psychology - University of los Andes
Human Resources Management Specialist - School of Business Administration
Psychologist with more than 20 years of experience in the design and implementation of human and social development initiatives. Expert in the leadership of projects carried out with NGOs and multilaterals related to human development in remote and face-to-face environments, the development of socio-emotional skills, the structuring and development of work teams, the production of pedagogical material and the appropriation of knowledge. Over the years, she has been a research professor at multiple universities.

Sandra Liliana Franco

Senior Consultant

Human Resources Management Specialist - School of Business Administration
Psychologist, with international Leader Coach certification - MAGA, facilitator in the Points of You methodology. Internationally certified facilitator in didactic and systemic tools for coaching, consulting and experiential learning with an emphasis on Outdoor Training. Certified in the Intermediate Level customer service job competency, Elite Trainer.

During the more than 25 years of professional practice, she has provided her professional services as a business consultant and facilitator of education and training processes to strengthen the human management areas of private national, multinational and public sector companies, as well as for the development of socio-emotional competencies of professionals linked to teaching, managers and middle managers from different economic sectors. In addition, she has been a professor at several universities.

Gloria Stella Galeano

Senior Consultant

Specialist in Administration and Management of Quality Systems - Universidad Santo Tomás
Specialist in Management in Human Management and Organizational Development - Universidad del Rosario
Specialist in Occupational Health Management - Universidad del Rosario
Organizational psychologist expert in administration and management of human resources with extensive experience in personnel selection processes, formulation and implementation of welfare plans, incentives, training, induction, reinduction, safety and health at work with a license, performance evaluation, preparation of functions and labor competencies manual.

Rocío Ruiz Torres

Senior Consultant

Specialist in Human Resources Management and Organizational Development - Universidad del Rosario
Psychologist with over 15 years of experience in integrated management of all processes inherent to human management at the strategic, tactical and operational levels; as well as technical advice in processes of reengineering of complex organizations.

Paola Victorino Tovar

Senior Consultant

Master in Business Administration (MBA) - European Business School of Barcelona - Isabel I University of Spain
Master in Human Resources Management (M.Sc.) - European Business School of Barcelona - Isabel I University of Spain
Occupational Health and Safety Management Specialist - Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca
Psychologist specialized in Coaching and NLP, certified as HSEQ Internal Auditor in Integrated Quality Management Systems (ISO 45001: 2018, ISO 14001: 2015, ISO 31000: 2018, ISO 9001: 2015, ISO 19011: 2018, Management of Change and Culture Organizational), also certified as Facilitator in Management of Change and Organizational Culture, graduated in Psychosocial Factors and Healthy Work, with a career of more than 18 years dedicated to leadership, development and implementation of strategies and projects of comprehensive management of human resources in national and multinational companies from various economic sectors, in the process of digital transformation.

Hernando Daza Rodríguez

Senior Consultant

Master in Government and Public Policy - Externado de Colombia University / Columbia University
Government, Management and Public Affairs Specialist - Externado de Colombia University / Columbia University
Public administrator with extensive trajectory in issues related to the Colombian Civil Service. He has participated in multiple organizational development projects related to the design of structures, human resources and organizational functions. He has extensive experience as an advisor to different entities, including the Administrative Department of Public Function and the Special Administrative Unit for Civil Aeronautics.

Nancy Patricia Calixto

Sénior Consultant

Master (M.Sc.) in Organization Management - University of Quebec (Canada)
Specialist in Activation of Creative Thinking - University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
Human Resources Management Specialist - School of Business Administration
Psychologist, dedicated to empowering people, for more than 25 years she has developed challenging actions associated with the design, academic coordination and execution of training and consulting programs for business development in private national organizations, state and multinational groups based on the Management of the Human Capital, in order to strengthen its competitiveness in the market and manage organizational change processes.

In addition, she has participated in entrepreneurship development programs and strengthening of family businesses.

At an educational level, she has been a researcher and professor at the postgraduate level in face-to-face and virtual modalities on topics associated with the development of socio-emotional skills, entrepreneurship, innovation and human talent management.

Lady Andrea Córdoba Navarro

Semi-Senior Consultant

Master (M.Sc.) in Public Policy - Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Public Administrator with professional experience in legislative research, modernization of the state, human talent management,
formulation of projects and quality management systems. She has developed multiple processes of institutional redesign, organizational structure definition, staff plant, function manuals and processes manuals.

Diego Fernando Duque Salazar

Semi-Senior Consultant

Specialist in Development Projects - Higher School of Public Administration (ESAP)
Public Administrator competent in modern public management tools, expert in organizational design, administrative and personnel reforms, job classification, workloads, processes, function manuals, new public management, process reengineering and evaluation of public policies.

Gilbert Alexander Gonzales Mur

Semi-Senior Consultant

Specialist in Public Finance - Higher School of Public Administration (ESAP)
Public administrator with knowledge in institutional redesign, fiscal performance and financial evaluation of entities and public companies, MECI, quality management and citizen service.

The characteristics of human and technological resources available to our company, allow us offer guaranteed quality services in the follow areas: 1) Regulation, Market, Analysis and Insdustrial Organization, 2) Quantitative Analysis, 3) Planning and Public Policies, 4) Economics Analysis and 5) Envorinmental Analysis.
Our product and services are backed by a team of permanent consultants and partners with extensive experience on public and provate sector. This condition ensures the ability of our firm to understand the needs of our clients and delivery them integrated compliance solutions.
We are a Colombian firm that does development of studies, advice and consulting for public and private sectors. Our firm does research with technical thoroughness by providing a steady stream of powerfull solutions to the needs of our clients. Our main objective is reach compliance and satisfaction of our clients.
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