Teknidata Consultants offers an integral range of services adjusted to the needs of your organization.


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High quality services guaranteed

The characteristics of human and technological resources available to our company, allow us offer guaranteed quality services in the follow areas:
  • Regulation, Marketing Analysis and Industrial Organization
  • Quantitative Analysis
  • Planning and Public Policies
  • Economics Analysis
  • Environmental Analysis


Companies for which we have worked

dnp inci mintc
dnp inci mintc
dnp inci mintc
dnp dnp dnp
bid olpc mintc
fasecolda pnud cdu
superintendecia planeaccion worldbank
anspe ministerio de educación nal mintc
Secretaria de ambiente Fundanción Gestion Riesgo Corantioquia
carrefour mideplan dimar


The characteristics of human and technological resources available to our company, allow us offer guaranteed quality services in the follow areas: 1) Regulation, Market, Analysis and Insdustrial Organization, 2) Quantitative Analysis, 3) Planning and Public Policies, 4) Economics Analysis and 5) Envorinmental Analysis.
Our product and services are backed by a team of permanent consultants and partners with extensive experience on public and provate sector. This condition ensures the ability of our firm to understand the needs of our clients and delivery them integrated compliance solutions.
We are a Colombian firm that does development of studies, advice and consulting for public and private sectors. Our firm does research with technical thoroughness by providing a steady stream of powerfull solutions to the needs of our clients. Our main objective is reach compliance and satisfaction of our clients.
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